Intermediate Hands-On Sony Camera Workshop

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Date and Time

Sun, Feb 16
12:00 PM - 5:00 PM


$55 AFS Member / $60 Regular Price


Austin Public - Conference Room & Studio 2
1143 Northwestern Ave, Austin, TX 78702

Continuing Education

This onsite, hands-on camera workshop will take what you’ve learned in the Austin Public camera class and apply in out into the field. This fully hands-on 5-hour workshop will explore the practical uses of the Sony FX3 and Sony FX6 and will allow you to learn the ins and out of each camera as we capture footage inside and outside of the Austin Public Studio and park grounds.

Class Requirements: Must have taken at least one of the Intro to Sony Cameras classes. Class size is limited to 4 people.

This onsite workshop will explore topics such as:

  • One and two camera set ups for interviews and live action scenes
  • How to properly expose your video for indoor, outdoor and studio set-ups
  • Best practices for shooting in low and high light situations
  • Slow motion camera functions
  • Basic image composition
  • Best uses for varying angles and camera movements
  • Picture Profiles
  • Capturing audio with your camera
  • Uploading footage