Recently restored and known as the earliest Asian American-produced film in the United States (1914), the film follows the ambitious Masao and his lover Hisa in Japan. Soon Masao leaves Hisa to pursue his education at The University of California, Berkeley. As he becomes a star athlete and student, Hisa languishes alone in Japan while caring for her ailing father. As their reunion approaches, they find themselves embroiled in an unexpected love triangle.
This film will be accompanied by a live performance from local indie-rock ensemble Maru Haru of the original music score by James Tabata. This performance is brought to you in collaboration by Austin Asian American Film Festival and the Zilker Botanical Garden Conservancy.
Content consideration: This film includes a depiction of self-harm rooted in Japanese culture. It is not explicitly shown but please use your judgment to discern if this screening is appropriate for you to attend.