Born On This Date: René Clair – Watch His 1924 Dada Masterpiece ENTR’ACTE

René Clair (born on this date in 1898) is well known as one of the most important figures in film history, from his early triumphs LE MILLION and À NOUS LA LIBERTÉ to his American period which includes THE GHOST GOES WEST and I MARRIED A WITCH and through to his postwar return to France and mature works.
But before he became a giant of the world screen, the 26 year old Clair was a dashing young writer and actor who fell in with the Dada crowd, which looks like a pretty fun crowd to roll with to be honest. With a few collaborators, including Man Ray, Francis Picabia, Marcel Duchamp and Erik Satie he made this rollicking 20-minute commissioned piece, which played between the acts of a ballet performance as an intermission or ent’racte.