Happy 85th Birthday Godard; Huppert & Karina Recount Their First Meetings with J-L.G.

Today is the 85th birthday of a filmmaker who has lived a life of rebellion against the status quo, against safety, against security, against his own “success.” A filmmaker who has angered, alienated and bored many, and also made beautiful films which helped to create a new way of interacting with the moving image. Whether we love him or hate him we can agree that he’s one of a kind.

Thanks to Criterion we can hear from Isabelle Huppert, star of his 1980 “comeback” movie EVERY MAN FOR HIMSELF, tell of her first meeting as they prepared for the film.
And here Anna Karina, perhaps Godard’s most iconic ’60s female star, recalls her first meeting with Godard, whom she married in 1961 and was divorced from four years later.