Watch This: OUTSIDER, Episode 1: The True Story Behind MIAMI CONNECTION

As the screwed-and-chopped narration intones at the beginning of the first episode of the new Vice show OUTSIDER, “Welcome to the show that reveals the beautifully complex and unique minds behind the world’s most inadvertently insane movies.”

This new show, produced by sometime-AFS staffer Zack Carlson and Vice-lord Evan Husney, promises to take us into the lives and stranger-than-fiction stories of the filmmakers behind some of the wildest movies we’ve ever (or never) seen.

Many have seen THE MIAMI CONNECTION, thanks to the tireless efforts of Carlson and Husney to rerelease it through Drafthouse Films. Now, the true story of master Y.K. Kim, and his central Florida followers, can be revealed.

One word: WOW.

Watch here: