Children of Abraham/Ibrahim

In Syria

Directed by Philippee Van Leeuw

Belgium, 2017, 1h 25min, DCP, In Arabic with English subtitles

Children of Abraham/Ibrahim

There are no current or future screenings planned for this film.

“As the proceedings build up to and finally reach a devastating climax, the film poses questions about what we are capable of in extreme situations, how far human kindness and kinship can go, and what we are ready to sacrifice for the good of our loved ones – or even only our neighbours. There are no simple answers, but with this set-up and its development, Van Leeuw gives us a lot to imagine and question.” — Vladan Petkovic, CineEuropa

As the Syrian civil war erupts, a woman endeavors to keep her family and a few neighbors safe within her home in Damascus, but death and destruction keep edging closer. Winner of two awards at the 2017 Berlin International Film Festival. (Kathryn Aslan)


A co-presentation of Austin Film Society, UT Center for Middle Eastern Studies, and Initiative for Communication on Media and the Middle East (ICOMME)

Preferred InSyria