SXSW 2024


Directed by David Lambert

2024, 1h 22min, DCP

SXSW 2024

There are no current or future screenings planned for this film.

Since Thom and Henri met 35 years ago, their love for each other has never faltered. The seemingly perfect life they had built in Brussels started to go awry when Henri retired from being a police officer. Now, Henri’s days seem to stretch endlessly, each one as bland as the next while his feelings for Thom are fading fast. They drift away from each other a little more each day, to the point that their house has become a battleground. Thom’s love for Henri remains strong though and he is not ready to give up. He will do anything to save his relationship and rekindle their love, even if that means asking Henri for a divorce.

Read the SXSW Film & TV Admission Policy
For 2024, the SXSW Film & TV Festival will be releasing a limited number of Public Pre-Sale Tickets for select screenings at select venues. Public Pre-Sale Tickets will be available at the Paramount, Stateside, ZACH, and AFS theaters.

Do you have a badge, but want a friend to join you at an eligible film? Are you without a badge, but still want to participate at certain events? Whatever the reason, SXSW Film & TV Festival’s Public Pre-Sale Tickets are here to help!

All screenings are General Admission. Seating is subject to capacity and will occur on a priority basis approximately 45 minutes before the screening starts. Attendees are advised to arrive as early as 60 minutes prior to the screening.

Order of Entry
1. Primary Access: Film & TV Badges and Platinum Badges with SXXpress Passes
2. Primary Access: Film & TV Badges and Platinum Badges
3. Secondary Access: Film & TV Wristbands, Music Badges & Interactive Badges
4. Public Pre-Sale Tickets
5. Public Day-of Tickets: sold 15 minutes before screening, as capacity allows

A limited number of Public Pre-SaleTickets are available for select screenings for $25. Public Pre-Sale Ticket holders are advised to arrive at the theater as early as 60 minutes prior to the screening time and join the Public Pre-Sale Ticket lines.

In the event that a screening reaches capacity before a Public Pre-Sale Ticket purchaser can be admitted to the theater, the purchase price will be refunded immediately at the Box Office ONLY.

Public Day-of Tickets may be purchased for $25 approximately 15 minutes prior to the screening start time, as capacity allows after all badge, wristband and Public Pre-SaleTicket holders.
