Directed by: Alicia Eastes

What if pregnancy is the key to unlocking healing after a brain injury, and other disease? 

In the feature documentary film LIMINAL SPACE, Alicia Eastes explores the medical science behind her healing journey after a coma, which was significantly enhanced by her pregnancy, four years into recovery. By sharing intimate details and anecdotal stories of three other women who’ve had similar experiences of healing through pregnancy, she will offer revealing insights for the medical research community to follow. The questions generated during her conversations with these other ‘miracle mothers’ about their healing pregnancies and birth experiences, will lead her directly to ask the experts, and interview key cutting-edge scientific minds in neuroscience and maternal health. This film presents the groundbreaking biological science of how pregnancy can heal the brain and other conditions. New research could spur innovative neurological treatments, and other holistic therapies for the brain and body. Alicia has assembled a global panel of experts who she will interview for their insights about the remarkable reproductive healing experiences of she and other women.  

LIMINAL SPACE is a fiscally sponsored project of the Austin Film Society. You can make a donation to this project here. You will receive a letter acknowledging your gift to the Austin Film Society on behalf of the project. Since AFS is a non-profit organization, your donation may be deducted from your taxes as a charitable contribution under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Service code.


Alicia Eastes is the founding co-president of Women in Film and Television Austin, a screenwriter, and documentary filmmaker. Born in Biloxi, she’s a Gulf Coast girl at heart, raised Texan since 1989, and dwells deep in the heart of Texas—Austin. Following the footsteps of her indie film hero, Richard Linklater, she’s building the networks that she needs to make her career work for her in Austin.

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