Best AFS Cinema Screenings of 2017 – Intern Edition

Everyone loved SUSPIRIA, of course.

Here at the Austin Film Society we are blessed with some of the best interns in the business. We are proud to have a chance to work with these talented young people who not only learn a lot about the film industry, but sometimes teach us grizzled old pros as well.

I asked AFS Senior Programming Intern Lisa Dreyer to ask around over the holidays and find out which films the interns had appreciated the most in 2017. Here is her report. Please note that all the trailers embedded here were cut by our talented AFS interns.

At any given time, AFS has around 20 interns working tirelessly to support the mission of bringing awesome films to Austin. While our tasks vary widely, from making coffee to filming live events, AFS interns all have one thing in common: a love of great movies.
Here are some favorite films we caught at the AFS CInema in 2017:


Justin Shamlian, an aspiring filmmaker responsible for many of our trailers, has seen over 100 films at the cinema this year, but says his favorite was the over-the-top Johnnie To action film A HERO NEVER DIES.


Emily Andujar, who’s interested in making a career in prop styling, nominates the beautiful restoration of SUSPIRIA, which was a sensation, filling up the theater for weeks.


Julia Allen, editor and video artist, appreciated the more experimental offerings, especially THE EYESLICER ROADSHOW, a presentation of boundary-pushing shorts.

Lisa Dreyer, who’d like to make a 2nd career out of film programming, loved CARPINTEROS, and found the live Q&A with the star Jean Jean afterwards to be especially illuminating.


Jennifer Bracy, a whiz at social media who’s starting out in marketing, loved the entire Jewels in the Wasteland series, hosted by Richard Linklater, but says “I haven’t laughed that hard during a movie in a long time” about Elaine May’s ISHTAR, a film that’s getting a second look by contemporary audiences after being widely panned in the 80s.  


Other standouts of the year included DOLORES, the documentary about activist Dolores Huerta, Alejandro Jodorowsky’s ENDLESS POETRY, and the newly restored version of Kubrick’s THE SHINING.

Thanks to Lisa for the report and we look forward to seeing all of you at the AFS Cinema in 2018.