In the poignant documentary BURNING QUESTIONS, director Mishael Porembski embarks on a deeply personal journey into a lesser-explored chapter of the Holocaust: the sufferings endured by Poland’s Catholic citizens under Nazi rule. As an American-born daughter, Porembski seeks to understand her Polish father’s harrowing experiences as a Catholic concentration camp survivor. This intimate exploration takes them both back to his homeland, unearthing memories and reconciling with a painful past. The film offers an introspective look into a familial bond, set against the backdrop of a rarely studied chapter of Nazi atrocities. This award-winning documentary combines the emotional depth of a home movie with the significance of historical introspection.
Festival badges are available to purchase here.
The Austin Polish Film Festival (APFF) returns for its 18th year, solidifying its role as a premiere showcase of Polish cinematic talent. Since its launch in 2005, APFF has presented over 450 films, welcomed celebrated Polish filmmakers of both national and international acclaim, and firmly established itself within Austin’s bustling film landscape.
This year boasts a curated lineup, featuring award-winning dramas, insightful documentaries, and imaginative animations. One of the festival’s crown jewels is Kinga Debska’s “Fire Festival” (“Święto ognia”), a stirring adaptation of Jakub Małecki’s novel. Scheduled for November 3rd, audiences will be treated to an intimate Q&A session with lead actors Kinga Preis and Tomasz Sapryk post-screening.
Enhancing the cinematic experience, APFF collaborates with Dot Dot Dot Connect, a leading experiential art curator. This partnership brings forth an exclusive art exhibit celebrating the intricate works of acclaimed Polish poster artist, Patrycja Longawa.
Film enthusiasts will have the opportunity to cast their votes, leading to the much-anticipated Audience Award for the festival’s standout film. Keep an eye on for more details.
As a nonprofit, it’s part of AFS’s mission to include and empower other local organizations, and Community Events at AFS Cinema are an invitation for audiences to get to know our partners and to help us shine a spotlight on their impactful work.